what did Egyptian scribes use to write on papyrus

A yellow-orange papyrus sheet, with some small holes, with elongated handwritten black hieroglyphic script, with small sections every few lines written in faded red ink
Detail of a medical treatise from the Tebtunis temple library with headings marked in red ink ESRF / The Papyrus Carlsberg Collection

When ancient Egyptians put pen to paper—or, more accurately, ink to papyrus—they took steps to ensure that their words would endure, a new study suggests.

As detailed in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, French republic, accept found that ancient scribes likely added atomic number 82 to their inks to help their writing dry.

More than than a millennia later, reports Creation magazine, 15th-century European Renaissance artists employed lead for similar purposes. According to the London National Gallery, lead-based pigments plant in many Erstwhile Master paintings are "known to aid the drying of pigment films."

Per a University of Copenhagen statement, the written report'due south authors analyzed 12 papyrus fragments dated to between 100 and 200 A.D., when Egypt was nether Roman control. The team used Ten-ray microscopy to determine the raw materials used in dissimilar inks, as well as the molecular structure of the dried ink affixed to the ancient newspaper.

Aboriginal Egyptians began writing with ink—made past burning forest or oil and mixing the resulting concoction with water—around 3200 B.C. Typically, scribes used black, carbon-based ink for the body of text and reserved red ink for headings and other key words in the text, wrote Brooklyn Museum conservator Rachel Danzing in a 2010 blog postal service. Though black and cherry-red inks were most common, shades of bluish, green, white and xanthous also appear in ancient texts.

A panoramic view of sand and ruins of ancient brick structures
Ruins of the city Tebtunis, where the only temple library to survive from ancient Egypt was discovered in the 1900s Kim Ryholt / University of Copenhagen

The researchers write that the Egyptians created red inks with atomic number 26-based compounds—nigh likely ocher or other natural earth pigments. The team likewise identified the presence of lead; surprisingly, they found no pb white, minium or other compounds that would typically be present in a pb-based pigment.

Instead, the ancient ink'due south lead pigments appeared to wrap around the papyrus' cell walls and fe particles. The resulting effect looked "as if the messages were outlined" in atomic number 82, co-ordinate an ESRF statement. This discover indicates that the ancient Egyptians devised a system of adding lead to red and blackness inks specifically for the purpose of binding the words to paper.

"Nosotros think that pb must take been present in a finely ground and peradventure in a soluble state and that when practical, big particles stayed in place, whilst the smaller ones 'diffused' around them," says co-author Marine Cotte in the ESRF statement.

The 12 analyzed papyrus fragments are role of the University of Copenhagen'southward Papyrus Carlsberg Drove. The documents originated in Tebtunis, the merely large-scale institutional library known to accept survived from ancient Egyptian times, per the university argument. According to the Academy of California, Berkley, which holds a big collection of Tebtunis papyri, many of the ancient texts were excavated from Egypt's Fayum basin in the early 20th century.

Lead author Thomas Christiansen, an Egyptologist at the Academy of Copenhagen, notes that the fragments were probable created by temple priests. Considering ancient Egyptians would have required a significant amount of circuitous knowledge to craft their inks, Christiansen and his colleagues argue that ink manufacturing probably took place in separate, specialized workshops.

Left, a small bit of yellowed papyrus with rough edges; right, two close-up bright green, blue and red images; blue (lead) outlines red droplets (iron)
A papyrus fragment of a long astrological treatise from the Tebtunis temple library (left) and X-ray fluorescence maps showing the distribution of iron (ruby-red) and lead (blue) in the red letters that write out the ancient Egyptian word for "star" (right) ESRF / The Papyrus Carlsberg Collection

"Judging from the corporeality of raw materials needed to supply a temple library as the i in Tebtunis, we propose that the priests must have acquired them or overseen their product at specialized workshops, much like the Chief Painters from the Renaissance," says Christiansen in the university statement.

Christiansen and Cotte previously led University of Copenhagen researchers in a similar study that detected copper in blackness ink found on ancient papyri. The 2017 paper marked the first time the metallic was identified as a "literal mutual element" in ancient Egyptian ink, as Kastalia Medrano reported for Newsweek at the time.

For the earlier written report, the researchers analyzed papyrus fragments, also from the Papyrus Carlsberg Collection, that spanned nearly 300 years but bore meaning similarities in chemic makeup. Those similarities beyond time and geography suggest "that the ancient Egyptians used the aforementioned applied science for ink production throughout Egypt from roughly 200 B.C. to 100 A.D.," Christiansen noted in a 2017 statement.

The team behind the new paper hopes to proceed studying the molecular composition of pigments, besides equally further investigate the innovative techniques that ancient Egyptians devised.

Every bit Cotte says in the ESRF statement, "By applying 21st-century, state-of-the-art technology to reveal the subconscious secrets of ancient ink technology, nosotros are contributing to the unveiling [of] the origin of writing practices."


Source: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/renaissance-painters-ancient-egyptians-used-drying-techniques-make-their-words-stick-180976176/

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