Proof That Hilbert Space Filling Curve Converges to a Continuous Curve

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Clustering Analyses of Two-Dimensional Space-Filling Curves: Hilbert and z-Order Curves


A discrete space-filling curve provides a linear traversal or indexing of a multi-dimensional grid space. This paper presents two analytical studies on clustering analyses of the 2-dimensional Hilbert and z-order curve families. The underlying measure is the mean number of cluster over all identically shaped subgrids. We derive the exact formulas for the clustering statistics for the 2-dimensional Hilbert and z-order curve families. The two exact analytical results yield: (1) a comparison of their relative performances with respect to this measure: when the grid-order is sufficiently larger than the subgrid-order (typical scenario for most applications), Hilbert curve family performs significantly better than z-order curve family, and (2) good agreements with asymptotic analyses of continuous space-filling curves and of (non-continuous) z-order curve in the literature.

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Dai, H.K., Su, H.C. Clustering Analyses of Two-Dimensional Space-Filling Curves: Hilbert and z-Order Curves. SN COMPUT. SCI. 4, 8 (2023).

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  • Index structure
  • Space-filling curve
  • Hilbert curve
  • z-Order curve
  • Clustering


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