You Know You Are a Republican if

Where do you fit in the political typology?

Are you a Religion and Flag Conservative? Progressive Left? Or somewhere in between?

Accept our quiz to discover out which one of our nine political typology groups is your all-time match, compared with a nationally representative survey of more than 10,000 U.S. adults by Pew Research Center. You may find some of these questions are difficult to answer. That'south OK. In those cases, selection the answer that comes closest to your view, fifty-fifty if it isn't exactly correct.

If yous had to choose, would you rather have…

A smaller government providing fewer services

A bigger government providing more services

When you say you favor a bigger government providing more services, do you lot think it would exist better to…

Modestly expand on current government services

Greatly expand on current government services

Which of the post-obit statements come closest to your view?

America'southward openness to people from all over the world is essential to who we are equally a nation

If America is likewise open to people from all over the world, nosotros risk losing our identity as a nation

In general, would you say experts who study a subject for many years are…

Usually Ameliorate at making good policy decisions about that subject area than other people

Usually WORSE at making expert policy decisions nigh that discipline than other people

NEITHER Amend NOR WORSE at making proficient policy decisions nearly that bailiwick than other people

Thinking nigh increased trade of goods and services between the U.S. and other nations in recent decades, would you say that the U.Due south. has…

Gained more than it has lost because increased merchandise has helped lower prices and increased the competitiveness of some U.S. businesses

Lost more than information technology has gained because increased merchandise has cost jobs in manufacturing and other industries and lowered wages for some U.Southward. workers

How much more, if anything, needs to be done to ensure equal rights for all Americans regardless of their racial or ethnic backgrounds?

A lot

A fiddling

Zilch at all

Which comes closer to your view most what needs to exist done to ensure equal rights for all Americans regardless of their racial or ethnic backgrounds — even if neither is exactly correct?

Most U.S. laws and major institutions need to exist completely rebuilt considering they are fundamentally biased against some racial and ethnic groups

While there are many inequities in U.Southward. laws and institutions, necessary changes can be made by working within the current systems

Which of the following statements comes closest to your view?

Business corporations make also much profit

Most corporations make a off-white and reasonable amount of profit

How much, if at all, would it bother you to regularly hear people speak a language other than English language in public places in your community?

A lot


Not much

Non at all

On a scale of 0 to 100, where 0 means you feel every bit cold and negative equally possible and 100 means you feel as warm and positive as possible, how practice you experience toward…

How do you feel toward Democrats?

How do yous feel toward Republicans?

Which of these statements best describes your opinion nigh the United States?

The U.S. stands above all other countries in the world

The U.S. is i of the greatest countries in the globe, along with some others

There are other countries that are better than the U.S.

How much of a problem, if any, would you say each of the following are in the country today?

People being too hands offended past things others say

Major problem

Small-scale problem

Non a problem

People saying things that are very offensive to others

Major problem

Small-scale problem

Not a trouble

Which comes closer to your view of candidates for political office, fifty-fifty if neither is exactly right? I usually feel like…

At that place is at least ane candidate who shares most of my views

None of the candidates stand for my views well

In general, how much do White people do good from advantages in club that Black people do not have?

A great deal

A fair amount

Not too much

Not at all

Do yous think greater social acceptance of people who are transgender (people who identify as a gender that is unlike from the sex they were assigned at birth) is…

Very expert for society

Somewhat skilful for gild

Neither good nor bad for order

Somewhat bad for lodge

Very bad for order

Overall, would you say people who are convicted of crimes in this land serve…

Too much time in prison house

As well little fourth dimension in prison

About the correct amount of time in prison

Which of the following statements comes closest to your view?

Organized religion should exist kept split up from regime policies

Government policies should back up religious values and beliefs

In the future, practise you retrieve…

U.Due south. policies should try to keep it then America is the only armed services superpower

It would exist adequate if some other country became equally militarily powerful as the U.S.


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