Calculating... Please Try Again Fe Heroes

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Summoning Heroes is ane of the key aspects of Burn down Emblem Heroes. To obtain more heroes to apply in combat, they must be either summoned or received as rewards.


  • 1 Summoning Nuts
  • 2 Summoning Mechanics
    • Summoning Rates
      • 2.i.i Full general
      • Full general (4★ focus)
      • 2.1.3 Weekly Revival
      • 2.i.4 Hero Fest
      • ii.1.5 Double Special Hero Focus
      • 2.1.6 Double Special Hero Focus (4★ focus)
      • Legendary/Mythic Hero Focus
    • two.two v-Star Rate Increase
    • two.three Colour Distribution
  • iii Statistics
    • Classical summoning events
  • four Current Summoning Focuses
  • five Previous Summoning Focuses

Summoning Basics [ ]

To obtain heroes, a histrion must first select a focus from which to summon. These focuses typically characteristic three or four different five-star characters and are ofttimes categorized by common skills or game origins. Featured heroes have increased drop rates, normally starting at three%. Other banners such every bit Legendary and Mythic Hero focuses are the exception where twelve heroes receive a base drop charge per unit of 8%, though no other five-star heroes can exist summoned.

The initial price for summoning is five orbs. One time paid, players are brought to a screen with v randomly selected colored stones. It is possible that all five stones take the same color. The player can select whatever one stone equally their outset summon. If the actor has not still summoned on a banner, or has summoning tickets for a given banner, the initial 5 orb cost is waved.

Summon Heroes Stones.png

After selecting the first stone, subsequent stones cost less:

Selection # Orb Cost
First Summon Choice v Orb due south
2nd Summon Choice 4 Orb s
Third Summon Choice four Orb southward
Fourth Summon Selection 4 Orb s
Fifth Summon Option 3 Orb s

A total of twenty Orbs allows v summons - summoning any less than five heroes in ane session increases the orb/hero cost.

Summoning Mechanics [ ]

In guild to enter the summon screen, the player must showtime pay 5 orbs or none if information technology is their first summon for that summoning focus. In one case the entry fee has been paid, 5 randomly generated color summoning stones volition be selected. The player must so choose 1 stone to summon from. Whatsoever consecutive summons in the same session will exist discounted. 5 summons in the same session volition spend 20 orbs while summoning individually will take 25. Later on the first option the histrion tin can exit to try again if the colour for the character they want doesn't appear. However this means they will not be able to take advantage of the discounted price.

Heroes do not have individual drop rates. When a hero is rolled, the rarity of the drop is selected outset. Once the rarity is selected, it will randomly choose any graphic symbol in the rarity. This gives every Hero in a given rarity the same chance to drib. A Summoning Focus may give a 5-Star Focus rate to Heroes already available at different rarities. This volition requite the Focus Heroes a meliorate chance to drop as they will have multiple chances to be selected.

The process followed by the game to form a summoning session can be summarized step-by-step:

  1. Randomly select a rarity pool based on the given rarity chances.
  2. Randomly select a Hero from that pool. (Heroes within this rarity pool are selected completely randomly, any attributes they take such as color are not taken into business relationship).
  3. Repeat this four times to course a total summoning circle.
  4. Hibernate the selected units behind an orb of their respective colour.
  5. Permit the player to choose which orbs to go a Hero from.

Summoning Rates [ ]

General [ ]

  • 3% for 5★ focus units
  • 3% for 5★ units
  • 3% for 4★ special units
  • 55% for four★ units
  • 36% for 3★ units

General (4★ focus) [ ]

  • iii% for 5★ focus units
  • 3% for 5★ units
  • three% for 4★ focus units
  • iii% for 4★ special units
  • 52% for 4★ units
  • 36% for 3★ units

Weekly Revival [ ]

  • 4% for five★ focus units
  • 2% for 5★ units
  • 3% for four★ special units
  • 55% for iv★ units
  • 36% for 3★ units

Hero Fest [ ]

  • 5% for 5★ focus units
  • 3% for v★ units
  • three% for 4★ special units
  • 55% for 4★ units
  • 34% for three★ units

Double Special Hero Focus [ ]

  • 6% for v★ focus units
  • 3% for 4★ special units
  • 57% for 4★ units
  • 34% for iii★ units

Double Special Hero Focus (4★ focus) [ ]

  • six% for 5★ focus units
  • 3% for 4★ focus units
  • 3% for iv★ special units
  • 54% for 4★ units
  • 34% for three★ units

Legendary/Mythic Hero Focus [ ]

  • viii% for 5★ focus units
  • 3% for 4★ special units
  • 55% for four★ units
  • 34% for 3★ units

5-Star Rate Increase [ ]

At that place is a system in place that increases the gamble to pull a v-Star hero the more rolls that a player goes without one. Every 5 rolls that a role player goes without a v-Star hero, the charge per unit to pull a v-Star will increase by 0.25%. This increase will exist added after the summoning session is completed. If the player hits 5 in a row in the middle of the summoning session, the next roll in the session will not have an increased risk. When there is a special focus, the rate increase will be split betwixt the 5-Star and 5-Star focus chances so 0.25% chance added to each per five rolls. If a player goes without a 5-star for 120 rolls, the rate to pull a 5-Star hero volition be raised to 100% for the next summoning session (when this happens, summoning from any of the v stones volition result in a 5-Star hero). When a 5-Star focus unit of measurement is summoned the five-Star summon rate volition revert to the default charge per unit in one case a player exits the summoning session. Summoning an off focus 5-Star unit volition only subtract the current 5-Star chance by 1% for both focus and non focus 5-Star units(exact five-Star chance drops needed for non iii%/3% banners), and summoning a 4-Star focus unit or iv-Star special unit will not reset the players electric current five-Star rates.

Appearance rate increases only employ to the current summoning effect and will not be carried over into the next summoning event.

Rate-increase examples:

  • 5 times with no 5-Star: 0.v% total increase
  • 10 times with no 5-Star: 1.0% total increase
  • 15 times with no 5-Star: i.five% total increase
  • 115 times without a five-Star: 11.v% total increase

During a focus summoning event :

  • 5 times with no 5-Star: 0.25% total increase to both 'v-Star' and '5-Star Focus'
  • ten times with no 5-Star: 0.v% total increase to both '5-Star' and '5-Star Focus'
  • 20 times with no 5-Star: 1.0% full increase to both '5-Star' and '5-Star Focus'

Color Distribution [ ]

Different colors of orb announced at different rates considering there are unequal numbers of units in each colour. Different Summoning Focuses volition also have dissimilar unit representation. For example, if a Summoning Focus has no colorless 5-Star Focus units, the hazard of summoning a 5-Star colorless character will exist reduced because the 3% Focus chance volition not produce any colorless orbs. In the Brave Heroes summoning focus, the 5-Star Focus rarity did not skew the orb distribution because there was one Focus unit of measurement of each color. The adventure of an orb existence a certain color nether this focus was as follows:

Brave Heroes Color Distribution
Red Greenish Blue Colorless
30.10% 18.99% 25.12% 25.78%

Notation that Green orbs announced less frequently considering there are fewer Green heroes and Ruby orbs appear more than frequently considering there are more than Red heroes every bit of August 31, 2017.

A common misconception is that the adventure of summoning a 5-Star Focus unit from a given color of orb is the same as the base of operations Focus rate of 3%. The 3% is true when summoning randomly, disregarding orb colors. However, because the game gives the histrion actress data in the form of the orb'south color, players summoning exclusively one color will find 5 stars at different rates. Using the above Brave Heroes summoning focus as an case and given a five-Star Focus rate of 3%, v-Star rate of 3%, iv-Star rate of 58%, 3-Star rate of 36%, and no increased appearance rate, the chance of summoning a v-Star Focus unit of measurement given that their orb color appeared is as follows:

Chance to Pull a Brave Hero from Each Hero's Respective Colour
Roy Ike Lucina Lyn
2.49% iii.95% 2.99% 2.91%

A sample adding detailing the 3.95% chance for a green orb to contain Ike Brave Mercenary Face FC.webpIke: Brave Mercenary tin can exist found beneath.

As of the Dauntless Heroes focus on August 31, 2017, the unit of measurement distribution breaks down equally such:

Rarity Scarlet Blue Green Colorless Sum
v★ Focus one unit one unit one unit ane unit 4 units
5★ 28 units xx units 14 units 18 units eighty units
iv★ 28 units 24 units 18 units 24 units 94 units
3★ 15 units 12 units 9 units thirteen units 49 units

Run across Summonable Heroes for tables on which units are currently available in the pool (suit for newly added heroes who do non appear on the chosen summoning focus, such as heroes not yet added to the v★ pool).

Using P(result) to mean the probability of that event happening, it follows that:

  • P(v-Star Focus that is green) = three% * 1/4 = 0.75%
  • P(5-Star that is light-green) = 3% * 14/80 = 0.525%
  • P(4-Star that is green) = 58% * xviii/94 ≈ 11.ane%
  • P(3-Star that is green) = 36% * 9/49 ≈

Given that the orb is already greenish because the player is chasing Ike: Brave Mercenary,

  • P(Specific Focus Unit | Orb is green) ≈ 0.75% / (0.75%+0.525%+11.1..%+6.half dozen..%) ≈ three.95%

Similar calculations tin be washed for the other Focus units.

Statistics [ ]

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Reason: "Nosotros should consider iii cases of summoning events, which are:

  • Classical (3% v★ Focus, 3% 5★, 3% 4★ SR, 55% iv★, 36% 3★) or 52% 4★ with iv★ Focus
  • No v★ (6% 5★ Focus, 3% iv★ SR, 57% 4★, 34% 3★) or 54% 4★ with iv★ Focus
  • Special SHSR (4% five★ Focus, 2% 5★, three% 4★ SHSR, 3% 4★ SR, 55% 4★, 33% iii★)

Module:SummoningPoolStatistics likewise demand to be updated to support four★ SR"

The tables below shows some statistics for the electric current summoning pool. Calculations are done using these advent rates:

Rarity Advent charge per unit
5★ Focus 3.00%
five★ 3.00%
4★ 58.00%
3★ 36.00%

Percentages are rounded. These tables assume the distribution of Focus Heroes is 1 for each colour, the results may vary depending on the color ratio of focus units.

The meaning of each tab is explained:

  • Appearance charge per unit: The chance to summon a specific Hero in a rarity puddle in the next randomly selected orb, ignoring color. Multiply this number by 5 to become the chance that the specific Hero will fifty-fifty show up in a summoning session. This rate is independent of color distribution of units in other rarity pools.
  • Unit of measurement count: Number of units in a rarity puddle with a color.
  • Rate | Orb Colour: The chance to summon a specific Hero given that their orb color has appeared and is existence summoned from. This rate is dependent on colour distribution of units in all the pools.
  • Failure to appear: The run a risk that an orb color volition non appear at all in a summoning session.

Classical summoning events [ ]

5★ Focus 5★ four★ three★
Appearance rate Ruby-red 0.75% 0.010% 0.384% 0.238%
Unit count Red 1 89 37 37
Bluish one 74 42 42
Green 1 70 32 32
Colorless 1 57 xl 40
Rate | Orb color Blood-red iii.036% 0.042% 1.555% 0.965%
Blue 2.711% 0.037% 1.389% 0.862%
Green 3.506% 0.048% 1.795% i.114%
Colorless two.858% 0.039% 1.464% 0.909%
Failure to appear Red 24.203%
Blue 19.809%
Light-green 30.010%
Colorless 21.832%

Electric current Summoning Focuses [ ]

Previous Summoning Focuses [ ]


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